Gdańsk Biographies - visual identity

Biografie Gdańskie - Dni Mniejszości Narodowych

Gdańsk Biographies - Days of National Minorities is a series of events organized by Teatr Miniatura.

The event is referring to the historical traditions of multicultural Gdańsk.

Debates, meetings and artistic performances present us the minorities and bring us closer to their
diversity and wealth.

Over the years, there was no coherent graphic design created for the event until 2020, when we
designed dedicated visual identity starting with the 17th edition.

client ⟶ Teatr Miniatura, Miasto Gdańsk  
art director ⟶ Adam Świerżewski
design ⟶ Adam Świerżewski, Michał Hrywniak
business ⟶ Marcin Fijołek

Gdańsk Biographies - visual identity